Bank Iowa Meets with 5th Graders to Talk Money
November 7, 2019
Bank Iowa loan officers Brian Ettleman and Mario Flores visited Broadway Elementary School on Wednesday, October 16, 2019, to talk with fifth grade students about the importance of saving money.
Bank Iowa Director of Marketing Josh Fleming accompanied the financial literacy crew to read his children’s book, Eleanor Saves the Day. The book aims to show kids how to makegood choices with money, helping to put them on a path to financial freedom.
Following the reading, students asked the Bank Iowa visitors what it was like to work for a bank. Several were especially interested in the educational journey each professional took to get where he is now.
“There’s a lot of noise out there when it comes to teaching kids about money,” Fleming said. “It’s nice to see teacher and school support for financial lessons with professionals in the community. Through Eleanor’s adventures, kids get to see a peer modeling healthy financial behaviors. We hope the experience is both inspiring and empowering.”
Each student received a packet that includes a word search and crossword puzzle about banking terms and an Eleanor Saves the Day coloring booklet with story problems on earning and spending monthly allowances.
Every year, Bank Iowa participates in a business partnership with the fifth grade class in Denison. The partnership includes two class visits: one to the classroom and one to the bank. This year,Mrs. Van Ness’ class will be visiting Bank Iowa in spring 2020 to see the bank vault, get some hands-on lessons about financial transactions and learn about the ways Bank Iowa team members contribute to the bank and the community.